Monday, November 23, 2009

A note to our affiliates

Today, finally got the reports back from the Dr., no cancer but will need from follow up surgery for one thing I have - all in all not bad could be allot worse!!!

I put a note out today through our ShareAsale program to all the affiliates and I want to share that with all of you as well - I hope I made some good points.

Hi, first thank you for joining the Xfuel affiliate program. We have a diverse group of affiliates now from professional marketers to video gamer teams and players. the professionals know what to do and how to make sales and again thank you for your efforts as I see some are starting to pay off!!!

For the gamer crowd, I visit your sites and see the banners, your doing a good job - thanks! I feel I need to remind some of you that your business is different than most affiliates, you host forum sites, chat areas or social networking sites.

To pick up the pace of your sales you must start telling your readers / followers to "buy the product". There is nothing wrong with that, that is why we did the "support this site" banners. Don't be afraid to tell them, "Hey why buy Monster or Red Bull when Xfuel is better and by buying xfuel we do make some money off of it and that keeps this site open with all the things you enjoy on here"

I watched the other night for the first time the movie "Yes man" with Jim Carrey, I don't know if the movie was a success or not but it made some great points. The main point is "say yes", stop saying "no" and good things will happen which they did. What your doing with us as affiliates in the gaming space is brand new, never done before - you are making history!!!

You have to get out and tell people "Yes, it's ok, buy Xfuel" and they will. Ive gotten too many notes from gamers going, "nothing has sold yet!". I look at their site, tell them what is wrong and what to change and most of all change their attitude and they say "NO" by doing nothing. The people that said "YES" and changed things got hits, plain and simple, the more hits the more sales, the more money - "YES" breads success - don't forget that!!!

Joe Gere

ps - don't forget you can write to me anytime, I'm here to help and answer any questions you might have about anything!!!!

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