Monday, October 26, 2009

I bet on you the gamers - read this PLEASE!

You ever watch the movie Trading Places with Eddie Murphy?

In case you haven’t it goes like this, 2 Wall Street type brothers make a bet.

The bet is you take a common criminal and switch him with a successful businessman and the common criminal will become a successful businessman in the right environment and the successful businessman will resort to crime once he's lost his rich environment and friends.

Funny movie!!

Anyway, Howie and I had a similar bet - oh pay the dollar you cheap bastard you lost! Howie said we announce a sale with a limited number of Xfuel cases available (the email you got from him, hush hush the other day) and tell people to buy Xfuel cheap and go sell it in person to friends etc and make money – he said people will do it.

Me being the arrogant ass that I am said, people won’t do that, you can’t make people want to change who they are and do something they are uncomfortable with and most people are not at ease with face to face or telephone selling – just won’t result in any current customers going out and suddenly buying 3 boxes just to sell it.

The results, the sales we got were from the same people for the most part that buy at least 3 boxes and sell it that way anyway. So, why did they order when Howie sent them a note was simple – Howie said “buy it now for a limited time” and they did.

That however was not the bet but did prove again some people want to do something and just need the push to rationalize it and will do it; they wanted to buy it and just couldn’t pull the trigger.

The reason the people that don’t normally buy that much didn’t buy was simple, they don’t want to sell it that way and no pushing, tempting or prodding will change that.

This is why we launched the affiliate program, because many of you like me or our founder Frozenghost001 are not comfortable trying to “sell” something to someone. If given the choice of sell these in person and on the phone and make $100,000 a year or dig a ditch for $40,000 a year – most people dig the ditch that is a FACT!

Our Xfuel affiliate program lets you do both, you get to sell and you don’t have to pick-up a phone or worry about stuttering like I did face to face – you can promote Xfuel on all your sites, You Tube channels etc and tell people to buy it and make money.

Example: I drink and Xfuel and it works for me, I get energized, I encourage you to put down the Monster or 5Hr Energy and buy product from the people who really support, care and are gamers themselves.

Was that so hard? NO, you can do that, can’t you? I bet you can think of a lot of creative ways to express that to people all over the web – that is the kind of selling everyone can do – right? Yes, even you can do that and remember you need to tell people to buy it.

Now, Howie you cheap F*ck pay me my dollar!!!!

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