Thursday, October 29, 2009

Thank God, Josh has a goal!

First, I hope you all realize that my brashness is not to insult you (look at all the charity videos we do with gamers all over NJ and get no money for and very little exposure for - we promote video gamers in a positive light, not take advantage of them) but to get reactions out of you - I want you people to start standing up and thinking and take yourself to the next level! To be sponsored, really sponsored you need to run like a business.

Anyway, I got this note the other day and I'm going to tear into the author Josh a little but it's all in fun don't take it personal. I really do admire your drive and desire not to be a McDonald's fry cook and maybe you'll look at what you wrote a little more carefully and realize what you are actually saying?

lol McDonald's? i am 19 years old and i am in my working on my bachelors degree in database administration which makes 6 digits. so i was just doing this for my team bro. i dont think your an asshole i think your a f**king bum who thinks his big words are worth the time of people who read them. i read your shit and i think you don't know your dick from a hole in the ground. You have fun selling your cool aid bro. 30 years be so embarrassed ....

You have to love these, like I said I at least got an emotion out of him. This is what I want to encourage some good dialogue and but please if what I'm saying is wrong, correct me and point out what parts of it are wrong - his note doesn't say anything I've said was wrong just that he doesn't like me - that's OK.

He did make my argument for many things I've said easy but I'll keep my sarcasms to a minimum here while dissecting his note.

If you have something to say which you think is worth while then PLEASE you can write it on the blog, I'm not offended you have an opinion that I would love to hear.

The point is you read it, you said you read it, therefore it is worth your time!

You say "your doing this just for your team", so begging which is asking for free stuff with nothing of substance in return is a good thing??? So, how is that different than "a f**king bum" how?

You think you'll get the 6 digit job how? By going in somewhere and saying "pay me and I'll show up to the office with your company shirt on"?

I do have to laugh about the BIG words, I try to write very simple and in complete sentences - sorry that is over your head - LOL, that was a joke, no offence!

I don't know how you say 30 years old, I've said it many times I'm 47 years old, I wish I was 30!!!! Is it sad I'm 47, very, I wish I was 19 again - I'm jealous!

I think the saying is "ass from a hole in the ground"? Your d**k sticks out and your ass goes inward - kind of like a hole in the ground - hence the saying!!!!

When you write, why do you only occasionally use capitals and punctuation - I would have thought if you wanted to slam me you would have at least got "Kool-Aid" spelled right???

Seriously, Josh I like your spunk and spirit and the point is to allot of what I'm saying is to get people like you to maybe look at things different and realize that to get your 6 digit job you need to be selling yourself. If you can't sell your website, sell a product or anything like that you'll do a very poor job of selling yourself for that job.

ps when you say your just doing it for your team, that means you know what you did or how you did it wasn't smart and that means your team isn't worth your full efforts - think about how you say things!

Thanks, you gave me something to write about!

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