Monday, October 12, 2009

I'm wrong about what advertisers want, really read this an weep!

Just in case you guys think you know better and I’m wrong about what advertisers / sponsors want etc - let me show you something going on right now with real people and events. I’m going to be brutally blunt about this and to the point – like it or not, it is what it is!

Find USA Today Oct 6, 2009 on page 3B you’ll see a story called ‘Gourmet’ falls victim to ad slump. The Gourmet started in 1941 the nation’s oldest food magazine is closing, despite a circulation of 980,000 last year ads were down 50% - advertisers were not seeing a return on what they spent with the magazine– that freakin simple people!

Hard cold reality check, not one of you people, clans, teams, websites has a real circulation of almost 1 million people who pay money to read or see anything you have to offer on a daily basis – face if they can’t do it, well you figure the rest out if your smart enough.

Conde Nast is also closing Modern Bride, Elegant Bride and Cookie and earlier this year killed Portfolio and Domino!

Check the stock market around that day also, the market was rebounding a little based on some good earnings – which in case you don’t get it, earning were from cuts in overhead and not increased sales – that means they spent less on things like ads to sell the same amount of product, hence better earnings.

Again, with all that going on how the hell do you think your going to get money to support your causes when you have little to offer compared to major magazines that are on news stands around the entire country?????

Short story, there is website who contacted me about sponsorship as all you do, I went off on him about everything I wrote in the last couple days which gave me the inspiration to write all that down. He has a couple great graphic designs, I offered to make him shirts like I do for Respawn and sell my drinks to make money – we’re working the deal out now.

My point with all this, Xfuel has been trying to help some of you make the money you need to support yourselves by standing on your own two feet, trying to turn you into real internet or direct sales machines where you earn money and put whatever you Fu*king want on your shirts and travel to Bum F**K if you want to play in their tournament – BUT too many of you just don’t want to get off your ass – you want people to give you something for nothing because what you think you have isn't really worth much at all!!!!

People you need to spend your money with the people that in turn support you and become the entrepreneurs that you already started becoming.

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